This article assumes you have already created a web site for the purpose of the DNN installation and that the wwwroot of that site does not already contain another application/site.
If the site was created more than 6 months ago, please check that ASP.Net 4.0 Integrated Pipeline is enabled on the site.
If DNS has not yet been pointed, please make sure you have created an Instant Alias for the site before proceeding.
1. Login to the control panel
2. Click your hosting space from the center pane
3. From the Left menu bar, go to Database > SQL Server 2016
4. Click Create database
- specify the database name
- click "Save" button
5. Click Create user
- specify the user name and password and keep a note of this
- specify the default database as the name of the db you created in Step 4.
- check the box for the database name you created in Step 4.
- click "Save" button
6. Click the database name you created in Step 4. and keep a note of the "Internal Server" which should look something like sql#-tx2 where # is a number.
7. From the left menu bar, go to Web > Web app Gallery
8. Search for DNN in the search box of the Web Application Gallery
9. Search result will pop up, Click "Install" button for the DNN Platform
10. DNN Platform description will load, click "Next" button
11. Fill out the Web Application Parameters
- Web Site - Select the site you want to install DNN to (If you do not see the site, you are not in the hosting space that directly holds the site)
- Application Name - Only specify this if you want to install the DNN in a sub-folder.
- Database Type - Leave this as is
- Create a new or use an existing database - Select Use existing database
- Click "Install" button
12. Congratulations, the application has been successfully installed! Click Launch DNN platform to start the DNN wizard - If you created an instant alias for the domain/site a second link to the temp URL will be provided.
13. After a minute or two the DNN installation wizard will launch
- Administrative information:
Specify your host username, password and email address (can be changed later on) - Web Site Information:
Specify what you want to name the site, template and default language (can be changed later on) - Database Information:
Database Setup - leave radio button to custom
Database Type - select "SQL Server/SQL Server Express Database"
Server Name - specify the Internal server name from Step 6. Should be something like sql#-tx2 (replace # with number of the server)
Database Name - specify database you created in Step 4.
Object qualifier - leave empty
Security - select "User Defined"
Database Username - Specify database user you created in Step 5.
Database Password - Specify database user password you created in Step 5.
Run Database As - Leave the "Database owner" box checked - Click "Continue" Button
14. Dnn Install progress bar will load (this process can take several minutes), once complete click "Visit Web Site"
15. Your DNN install is now complete, you can login with the host username and password you set in Step 13.